If Jesus were in the room, would you worship different?
Music possesses immense power, it is a gift given to us that can deeper connect us to God's presence. We seek to guide our congregation into profound encounters with Him during every worship service. Amidst this, our ultimate aim is to glorify God in all our endeavors, including our times of musical worship.
Interested in joining the team?
We have a couple ways you can helpout!
First, through being on our traditional Sunday morning worship team, helping to lead the congregation into a worship experience with Jesus. Second, by serving with our tech department that helps make worship possible on Sundays. If you are interested in either of these areas, please feel free to fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you!
Our vision for this ministry is to grow a team of authentic, intimate, and passionate followers of Jesus. Every Sunday, we approach worship with anticipation, fully open to the transformative work the Lord intends to accomplish in our lives.